Thursday 22 January 2009

Ethiopic Transliteration in Google suggest

En Français

Have you ever wanted to search on the web for, say, "ሰምና ወርቅ" or "ቀነኒሳ በቀለ" but were unable to enter the search terms because you don't have an Ethiopic keyboard? If so, Google has something for you!

There are millions of web pages and documents written in the Ethiopic script, including news articles, scholarly papers, court proceedings, legislation, discussion forums, etc. Many of these contain information that is not available in non-Ethiopic scripts. Thus even though it is on the web, without an easy way for users to type their search queries in Ethiopic, that information "gold" remains in effect hidden from the vast majority of potential users behind the "wax" of query formulation.

Today we're happy to announce Ethiopic transliteration in Google web search. With this new feature, you can now use Google to find information in Amharic, Tigrinya, Ge'ez, or any other language written in the Ethiopic writing system, without needing a special keyboard or keyboard driver software. Instead you can now simply type search queries phonetically in latin letters and Google will transliterate the words into the correctly spelled Ethiopic characters.

This feature uses Google Suggest to automatically offer Ethiopic query suggestions as you type a query in latin characters.

Here are some of the ways in which this feature will help your web searches:

  • Ethiopic input: without having to get an Ethiopic keyboard or having to type the query in a word processor and then cutting and pasting it into the search box, you can simply search by typing phonetically in latin characters. 
  • Users of Ethiopic as a second language can easily enter queries without making spelling mistakes. 
  • Having automatically generated suggestions saves you many keystrokes when entering search terms.

In keeping with Google's mission, we hope this new addition is an important step in making the world's Ethiopic information universally accessible and useful.


Translitération ethiopique dans Google suggest

Avez-vous déjà voulu faire une recherche sur le web pour "ሰምና ወርቅ" or "ቀነኒሳ በቀለ"? Sans doute ce désir aura-t-il été frustré, faute de clavier ethiopique. Dans ce cas, Google a enfin une solution pour vous!

Il existe des millions de pages web écrites en caractères ethiopiques, incluant des articles d'actualité, articles de recherche, dossiers juridiques, des forums de discussions, etc. Beaucoup de ces sources contiennent de l'information qui n'est pas disponible en langues non-ethiopiques. Ainsi, malgré son existence sur le web, cette information reste effectivement cachée en ce qui concerne la plupart des usagers qui manque un moyen d'entrer les mots clefs en caractères ethiopiques.

Nous sommes fiers d'annoncer aujourd'hui une fonctionalité de transliteration ethiopique pour le moteur de recherche Google. Avec ce nouveau service, vous pouvez utiliser Google pour chercher de l'information en Amharique, Tigrinya, Ge'ez, ou n'importe quelle autre langue qui utilise le système d'écriture ethiopique, sans avoir besoin de claviers ni de logiciels de contrôle de clavier specialisés. Vous pouvez tout simplement taper vos mots clefs phonétiquement en lettres latines et Google vous les transforme automatiquement en caractères ethiopiques avec l'ortographe correcte.

Cette fonctionalité se sert du service Google Suggest pour vous suggerer des mots clefs automatiquement au fur et à mesure que vous tapez les lettres latines.

Nous espérons que cette nouvelle addition, en accord avec la mission fondamentale de Google, contribuera à organiser les informations ethiopiques à l'échelle mondiale dans le but de les rendre accessibles et utiles à tous.

ኣዲስ ኣገልግሎት: ጉግል ፍለጋ ውስጥ ፊደል ተርጎማ

በግእዝ ፊደል ኢንተርኔት ላይ የተመዘገቡ ፅሁፎች በብዛት ይገኛሉ። ምቹ የሆነ የመፈለግያ መንገድ ባለመኖሩ እስከዛሬ ድረስ ተሸፍነው ኖረዋል። እነዚህ ፅሁፎች ምንድናቸው? ጥቂቶቹን ብንጠቅስ፦
የታሪክ ፅሁፎች፤ ዘመናዊ ኣዋጆች፤ የፍርድ ቤት ውሳኔዎች፤ የታላላቅ መድረክ ውይይት ቃለጉባኤዎች፤ ዜና፤ ወዘተ፤ ናቸው።

ኣሁን ግን፤ ጉግል በሚያቀርብላችሁ ኣዲስ የፊደል ትርጎማ ኣገልግሎት፤ የተለየ ኪቦርድ እና ሶፍትዌር ሳይጠይቅ፤ በማንኛውም ኮምፕዩተር የተፈለጉትን ጽሁፎች ጎልጉላችሁ ማውጣት ትችላላችሁ። ይህ ማለት፤ የተፈለገዉን የኣማርኛ ቃል በላቲን ፊደል ስትፅፉ፤ የፊደል ትርጉም ተግባሩን በመፈጸም፤ በግእዝ የተመዘገበዉን የኣማርኛ ቃል ያቀርብላችሁዋል። እንደተለመደው፤ በዚሁ ቃል የጉግል ፍለጋ ይቀጥላል። እንዲሁም በትግርኛ ወይንም በማንኛውም ቋንቋ በግእዝ ፊደል የተመዘገቡትን ጽሁፎች ሁሉ ፈልጎ ማግኘት ይቻላል።

እንደተለመደው፤ ይህም የጉግል ድርፍለጋ ኣገልግሎት የሚሰጠው በነጻ ነው።

ነሞ ሥምረት

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